Intake                   : UC1F0710-0801-0805ITP-METP-MP-BMP

Lecturer                : Lili Budiman (

Date Assigned              : 4 June 2008

Date Due               : 28 August 2008 (Thursday)




You are to develop the following Web Application. All the navigational functions must be fully worked.



1.      This is a group project.


2.      Your group is to design and develop a fully working and complete navigational Web application (Online News, Online Forum, Online Magazine , Online Auction system, etc) without database implementation.


3.      You have the option of developing the presentation using the following tools:

Web Development tools

·         Macromedia Dreamweaver

·         Microsoft FrontPage

·         Netscape Composer


4.      Deliverables:

§  Upload your created page unto a web hosting server with real domain name.

§  Bi-weekly report is to be submitted. This report should include what you have done for the previous weeks.

§  Final documentation and the developed website. See Project’s requirements.



Activities: You should plan the major activities of the project as early as possible. As a guideline, the activities should include:


1.      Setting the schedule of the project.

2.      Distribution of responsibilities in the team.

3.      Study/research any available systems and define the requirements.

4.      Conduct fact-gathering sub-phase and feasibility study.

5.      Setting the criteria to check the progress of the project.

6.      Final documentation of the project.


Groups: You are to work in teams of 3 persons to complete the project.


Project Requirements


The Documentation Report


·         The report should be:

*        Type face: Times New Roman/ Arial. Bold face, italic & lines can be used for emphasizing and to enhance readability.

*        Font size: 12(except tittles and headings).

*        Margins: 1” from the left, right, top & bottom of the edges of the A4 paper.

*        Spacing: maximum 1.5 lines between texts of a paragraph.

*        Alignment: justify.

*        Headers and footers can be used.

*        Be numbered.


·         The documentation should contain the followings:

·         Cover page

Your cover page should contain the following items

*        UCTI logo

*        Subject Title

*        System Name

*        Your Name and ID

*        Intake Code.


·         Acknowledgement.


·         Abstract


·         Table of Contents

*        The table of contents should have the topic title and reference page number attached to each topic.


·         Introduction

*        This should include your task, the scope of the proposed system, and the objectives for the proposed system.


·         System Development Documentation

*        Interface screen print.

*        Functional Flow Chart.


·         Evaluation

o   An explanation of how the proposed system solves the existing problems and addresses opportunities.

o   Major technical problems faced during development and how do you solve these problems.

o   Shortcomings [if any and what is/are the cause(s)]


·         Future enhancements/revisions.

*        Improvements that could be made in the future.


·         Conclusions


·         References





·         You have to present your system to the lecturer, and the presentation will be judged accordingly.

*        You can use any of the presentation software, e.g. PowerPoint.


·         You have to submit

*        a hard copy of your presentation slides before presentation.


·         Assessment Scheme

*        The breakdowns of the assessment will be as follows:

o   Progress reports                                                                 20%

o   Attitude and Team Work                                                  20%

o   Interaction with lecturer                                                   10%

o   Application and Navigational function                            35%

o   Presentation (your system will be graded)                        15%  




·         Documentation report.

·         Soft copy of your system, complete with readme.txt / source code in CD media.











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